Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cheeky gift ideas you can't live without

Via Think Geek

In case you need help finishing up your holiday shopping list, I have some quality ideas for you and none of them require you stalking someone for their parking spot at the mall.  Here is a collection of my favorite gift ideas for everyone on your list.  You're welcome.

A gift for me, or for your twelve-year-old son
Chumbuddy sleeping bag: (pictured above) I would come visit anyone's house for a sleepover if I got to sleep in this awesome bedding arrangement.  I can't tell if the sleeping model is trying to look dead or like it is a great night of sleep.  I would also settle for this hamburger bed:
Via design buzz

A gift for a hipster homeowner
"Sup" doormat: This is way better than anything you can buy at a store, and it would really confuse your elderly lady neighbor.

Via Reed Wilson Design

A gift for the girl who has everything, or a gift that keeps on giving
Birchbox subscription: Send a box every month full of awesome beauty products.  Not the kind from Walgreens, the kind no one wants to buy themselves from Sephora.  Subscription services are back en vogue again, and I have never been happier.  Sign me up for the Pie of the Month Club any day!
Via Real Simple,

A gift for a foodie
Ravioli stamps: Here is a great way to make ravioli at home and feel like a real chef.  I would fill mine with magic and probably a lot of cheese.  If you are really a good friend, you will pair this gift with a bottle of wine.
Via Williams-Sonoma

A gift for women with a cause
Punjammies: These cute pajama pants come hand made from an organization that helps women find a path to freedom out of sex slavery.  According to their website, the average age of a girl forced into the sex slave trade in India is the age of eleven.  What a worthy way for ladies to help other ladies.

Via International Princess Project

A gift for someone who appreciates whimsy
Creature Cups: What a fun surprise, a lobster in my coffee?!  It would be a fun game for someone to fill it for you, and you don't know what's down there until you drink your beverage.

A DIY gift for people who have an appreciation for adult beverages
Adult hot chocolate mix: Delicious!  And those little bottles are so cute!  If you are looking for something more manly, go for the Guinness reindeer (below).

Via Buzzfeed

Via Life of a Modern Mom

A gift for an Etsy lover
Movie quote pencils: The amazing set of pencils pictured here have Mean Girls quotes on them. You go, Glenn Coco.

Via Etsy, The Carbon Crusader

And finally...

A gift for babies
Stitch Super-Baby bib: Since so many of you drank the water and now have 1-2.5 children, chances are you need to buy something for a baby.  I suggest this bib, sewn by my friend Rachel in her Stitch shop.  There are other great options too, but who can resist a Super-Baby?

Via Stitch sewing and design studio

Order now, or you will be forced to choose between Coldwater Creek and that long line at the Apple store.

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