Monday, July 29, 2013

The Summer of George, a.k.a. The Week of Katie

(The Summer of George, Seinfeld)
Today starts a week of staycation, ahem, technically unemployment, and everyone keeps asking me (including myself) what I am going to be doing with my time this week.  I have big plans, people.

I imagined my week immediately like the Summer of George.  I excitedly thought, "I am going to read a book!  From beginning to end, in that order! I'm going to learn to play frolf!"  Let's get real, I am not going to frolf, but I do have some good plans:
  1. Spend time with friends and family:  Since I have a last opportunity to spend time with some friends and family during the week, I am scooping it up, visiting friends on maternity leave, or taking the kiddos, my niece and nephew, to the State Fair.  Perhaps even a Blue's Egg brunch?
  2. Read a book: I bought a few new ones that I started this week, I'll let you know how they go.  I have a feeling Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg is going to be a worthy read.
  3. De-clutter: Throw shit out and make a giant trip to Goodwill. Simplify.
  4. Running: I have to burn off all the calories I am no doubt going to eat being at home.  I already ate half a bag of sour patch kids, so I am off to a bad start.
  5. Bake: I am hell bent on baking something, either trying to perfect the art of macarons or a three layer cake.
What I am realizing is that every time I have a week off, I can mentally fill the time very quickly with more to do than time to do it in.  And so I am learning an important lesson in this.  How about, and hear me out on this, I do these things all of the time, instead of just on my one and only unemployed week of my life?  Mind. Blown.

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