Sunday, August 11, 2013

Stay-at-home Sunday: The best way to end and start the week

Work hard, play hard. Or in our case, do not much of anything on Sunday.  The hubs and I do what we call "stay-at-home Sunday" whenever possible, and today was no exception.  We are so busy during the week that this is our one time during the week to relax, have no responsibility, do things around the house, or alternate between naps and snacks.  So that you can fully enjoy your own SAHS agenda, let me share some examples of how to make a stellar Sunday.

Step 1: Breakfast
We alternate between a few options, including square waffles or pancakes, omelets, an occasional run to the local diner (okay because it is less than a mile away), or as we did today, cereal buffet (see photo).  I mean, seriously, no one has time for a cereal buffet on a work day morning.  And yes, cereal buffet is on the couch and coffee table, not unlike the college years.

Step 2: Exercise
This happens to be our long run day, and today was during some rain because we were too heavy in our cereal comas to go sooner.  Exercise serves a purpose, in that I can eat more snacks and it tees me up nicely for a nap.

Step 3: Nap
I do not need to explain this to anyone.  However, I am awesome at naps. Repeat as needed.

Step 4: Snacks
This tends to be a full day of what we like to call "choose your own adventure" for meals.  Or, it can also be referred to as "tapas" if you want to make your day-long snacks of puppy chow and full pints of blueberries sound fancier. Also repeat as needed.

Step 5: Small Project

This way I feel slightly productive in my day, but not too much!  Today I went so far as to do some picture framing for a picture I bought, oh, say, two years ago?  Why wait two more years to do what you could do today.  As a point of reference, painting one coat of nail polish usually serves as a large enough project for me, so I must have been feeling productive.

Tips to maximize your Stay-at-home Sunday:
  • You should be wearing pajamas most of the day.  Showers are optional.
  • Always have four types of cereal or back-up pancake mix on hand.
  • Put golf on the television - you'll be asleep in no time.
  • Read a book - this also induces naps. Alternate bed and couch for greatest comfort.
  • Get some Netflix or some box sets - now is a good time to renew your love of the show LOST.
Try it!  It'll change your life.

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